Posts Tagged ‘how’
Minecraft Dynamic Shaders Mod HD – Installation and Showcase
Minecraft Dynamic Shaders and Shadows Mod Installation and Showcase. Hi, Minecrafters! The time has come for me to add the this shader mod wich is just fanatastic! In this video I will show how to install it and even give you a quick showcase. :) Please follow this steps: Step 1. Download OptiFine from: Step 2. Download the Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders from: Step 3. Unpack both and start of by copying all files from the Optifine folder to your Minecraft.jar file. Remeber to delete the META-INF folder inside of the minecraft.jar! Otherwise it won’t work. Step 4. Move all the files from Sonic Ether’s Shaders folder to you Minecraft bin folder and doubleclick the Installer, inside the new window choose Install Mods. Once that is done you are set to go and exlore your new fanastic looking world! Keralis on Twitter: Keralis on Facebook: Keralis on the world wide web: ———- TexturePack ———- Soartex FanVer ——– Music & Vocals ——- Intro Music was made by Heffay. http Vocals are from: Lots of love & diamonds! -Keralis
Tags: &, download, dynamic, gameplay, help, house, how, how-to, install, keralis, minecraft, mod, modern, of, shader, shaders, shadows, showcase, tips, to, tricks, world
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Mar 10th, 2012
Minecraft: Levi’s Nightmare w/ MinecraftUniverse Episode 3
Leave a ‘Like’ for LEVI! (: Download the Map here: Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
Tags: 18, 19, ayear, black, bukkit, combo, commentary, consoles, creeper, custom, diamond, for, frag, game, gameplay, gaming, greatest, guide, hd, how, howto, idiot, lets, machinima, map, maps, minecraft, mod, multiplayer, new, nova, nuke, original, paragon, part, play, playthrough, pre, prerelease, quit, rage, release, respawn, same, seed, shaft, showcase, smack, tags, tnt, to, treehouse, tutorial, uberhaxornova, update, video, walkthrough, warfare, weapons, wool
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Mar 9th, 2012
The Fail Adventures of WtfMinecraft // Episode 97
Leave your random questions in the comments below! Mod: My LetsPlay Channel: Follow me on twitter: Minecraft iOS app:
Tags: 18, 19, adventures, and, answer, build, commentary, dungeon, enderman, fail, how, howto, john, lets, minecraft, of, play, playthrough, q&a, question, ravine, stronghold, the, to, tutorial, update, video, walkthrough, wtfminecraft
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Build HD: Modern RowHouses – Part 3 (Interior)
Minecraft Modern RowHouses Let’s Build Part 3. The schematic for the houses will be live at once it is completed. Texture pack Misa HD/Realistic 64×64 + Water Shader Mod Please like, comment or subscribe!
Tags: build, craft, download, easy, game, guide, hd, help, house, houses, how, keralis, let´s, lets, mine, minecraft, modern, mods, notch, of, play, row, rowhouse, save, simple, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, video, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Build HD: Modern RowHouses – Part 4
Minecraft Modern RowHouses Let’s Build Part 4. The schematic for the houses will be live at once it is completed. Texture pack Misa HD/Realistic 64×64 + Water Shader Mod Please like, comment or subscribe!
Tags: build, craft, download, easy, game, guide, hd, help, house, houses, how, keralis, let´s, lets, mine, minecraft, modern, mods, notch, of, play, row, rowhouse, save, simple, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, video, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Build HD: Modern RowHouses – Part 5
Minecraft Modern RowHouses Let’s Build Part 5 and last part. The schematic for the houses will be live at once it is completed. Texture pack Misa HD/Realistic 64×64 + Water Shader Mod Please like, comment or subscribe!
Tags: build, craft, download, easy, game, guide, hd, help, house, houses, how, keralis, let´s, lets, mine, minecraft, modern, mods, notch, of, play, row, rowhouse, save, simple, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, video, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft Modern RowHouses Tour HD: Final Showcase
This is the final result of the Modern RowHouses Lets Build. The schematic for this house will be live at Shown both in the Misa’s Realistic 64×64 + Default texture pack. Music is made by binary1001011 http If you like it please make sure to visit his channel to pay him a tribute. Texture pack: Misa HD/Realistic 64×64 + Water Shader Mod Please like, comment or subscribe!
Tags: build, craft, download, game, guide, hd, help, house, how, keralis, lets, mine, minecraft, modern, mods, notch, of, rowhouse, save, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, video, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft Modern House 3 Tutorial HD – Part 2
Minecraft Modern House 3 Tutorial HD – Part 2 – The schematic can be downloaded from once the tutorial is completed. KONY2012 – Visit for video Please do give it a like or comment if you do enjoy it, that really helps alot. :) Keralis on Twitter: Keralis on Facebook: Keralis on the world wide web: ———- TexturePack ———- Misa Realistic 64 ——– Music & Vocals ——- Intro Music was made by Heffay. http Vocals are from: Lots of love & diamonds! -Keralis
Tags: a, build, download, help, house, how, how-to, keralis, kony2012, lets, machinima, minecraft, modern, of, schematic, texturepack, tips, to, top, tutorial, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Mar 9th, 2012
The Escape – Season 2 – Episode 1
We make another go around in this hardcore favorite. In the Escape the Crew members wake up in a cave down deep below the surface. Their only chance for survival is to escape. They have minimal resources and are playing on HARD difficulty. If you die you are out. Can they ESCAPE? Stay tuned
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, dragon, dragons, enderman, endermen, episode, escape, flat, flatlands, game, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, land, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, sandbox, season, smp, survival, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft Essentials: Fishing Rod Combat
Welcome to Minecraft Essentials, a series of tips and tricks helpful to veterans and newbies delivered in bitesize videos. This video will let you HAVE SOME FUN by killing mobs with a fishing rod, how awesome! Fishing Rods can hook any mob and drag it towards the player. (Although Mobs in Water or Lava will not move far due to the slowdown of the fluid.) Although the hurt animation plays and passive mobs will run away as if you attacked them, it deals no damage to the mob. Fishing Rods take triple durability damage when reeling a mob. Reeling it up will cause the mob to be pulled towards the caster at a very fast rate. Players can take advantage of this to impart vertical momentum onto the mob when reeled at great height, dealing enough fall damage for a guaranteed death (except for chicken, ghasts, blazes and snow golems as they do not take falling damage). The fishing rod can also be used on tamed wolves to act as a sort of leash, although it won’t move the wolf anywhere for long. Bobbers can be hooked onto a wolf and if it teleports back to the player, the bobber will still be present. A great way to use this is also to shoot a mob with it then go to lava and place it between the mob and yourself and then reel the line causing the mob to get pulled into the lava. It can be assumed this functionality is for pulling future Fish Mobs(such as th current mob, the Squid) out of water. Unfortunately, fishing rods cannot be used to pull back/up players, making them useless in PVP.
Tags: cliff, combat, cooked, craft, creeper, damage, essentials, fall, fighting, fish, fishing, fun, guide, hole, house, how, humiliating, jockey, killing, mine, minecraft, owning, ravine, raw, rod, skeleton, spider, survival, to, tree, treehouse, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Mar 9th, 2012