Posts Tagged ‘how’
Minecraft – The Mole – Season 2 Episode 05
The Mole is back!!! This time we have 10 players who will be competing in challenges each episode. Then they will take a quiz based on their knowledge of who they think the mole is! Who will be eliminated? Who is the Mole? Stay Tuned! Click here to vote on who you think is the mole All music by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″ http
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, dragon, dragons, enderman, endermen, episode, game, gameplay, gameshow, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, mole, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, reality, sandbox, season, show, smp, survival, teaser, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 24th, 2012
Minecraft Builder’s Book – Castle Construction part 1 (Spiral Staircase Tower)
Building has always been something Minecraft has been famed for. The ability to construct the most spectacular of houses and deadliest of traps, but what is it that one should build? The Minecraft Builder’s Book has some very nice things for you to try to construct, learn, and apply in your own creations! In this video, we look at the first step to building a simple castle: a Spiral Staircase Tower. This is simply a stone tower with a stairway leading to the top, but four of these joined by castle walls can make the base of your Castle, where you can then fit whatever you want inside (an NPC village, perhaps?) This castle design is based of a massive castle I had constructed on the shameless Minecraft rip-off Fortress Craft. I had bought it simply because it seemed like Minecraft on Xbox, and it was rather cheap. The Castle I made there seemed to impress some other people, so I’ve decided to recreate it on Minecraft.
Tags: age, brick, bricks, build, building, castle, cobble, cobblestone, construction, craft, creative, empires, fortress, half, how, make, mine, minecraft, nether, of, pickaxe, planks, slabs, spiral, spiral-staircase, staircase, stairs, stone, survival, to, tower, tutorial, wonder, wooden, yt:stretch=16:9
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Mar 24th, 2012
Our quick preview of Minecraft 1.2.4
So we fired up the latest update to Minecraft yesterday and ran through a bunch of the new stuff for you. What has been added? Stay tuned!
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, darkness, dragon, dragons, end, enderman, endermen, episode, falls, flat, flatlands, game, gameplay, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, land, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, sandbox, smp, survival, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 24th, 2012
Stop the Boom! – Season 1 Episode 3
In the conclusion to this first run of this series the two teams compete in a timed race against each other. One team will be declared the winner! Who will it be? In this new series two teams are pit against each other. Each team has 30 minutes to place a block of TNT in their structure and mine and craft whatever they can to make it extremely difficult for the other team to detonate it. After both teams have had their 30 minutes to place and hide and protect their TNT, the two teams are timed on how long it takes them to find and detonate the other teams TNT. The team who does this the fastest wins! In this episode you will find out who the teams are, and see the first team fortify their TNT. How well will they do? Stay tuned.
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, boom, commentary, craft, crew, enderman, endermen, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, sandbox, season, smp, stop, survival, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 23rd, 2012
Minecraft Tutorials – E45 Piston Drawbridge (Survive and Thrive II)
How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft! In this episode, we build a platform bridge over a pool of lava at the front gate of Tower of Power. We use redstone powered sticky pistons to raise and lower the “drawbridge” which “parts” the lava to allow safe access to the doorway. Download this tutorial world: or create it from scratch: BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here: In this episode you will learn – how to build a piston-powered drawbridge – how to craft pistons and sticky pistons – how to craft redstone repeaters – how to direct current with redstone repeater Tags: yt:quality=high minecraft “minecraft beta” “minecraft 1.2″ “minecraft survival” “minecraft tutorial” “minecraft help” “pc gaming” paulsoaresjr tutorial “how to” gameplay commentary tips secrets gaming computer help beginners survival guide how to survive “survive and thrive” “minecraft piston” “minecraft bridge” “minecraft piston bridge” drawbridge redstone repeater
Tags: 12, and, beginners, beta, bridge, commentary, computer, drawbridge, gameplay, gaming, guide, help, how, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, piston, redstone, repeater, secrets, survival, survive, thrive, tips, to, tutorial
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Mar 23rd, 2012
A WtfMinecraft Adventure – Series 4 – Kurast // Episode 4
Leave your random questions in the comments below! Map: My LetsPlay Channel: Follow me on twitter:
Tags: 18, 19, adventures, and, answer, build, commentary, dungeon, enderman, fail, how, howto, john, lets, minecraft, of, play, playthrough, q&a, question, ravine, stronghold, the, to, tutorial, update, video, walkthrough, wtfminecraft
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Mar 23rd, 2012
Minecraft Sisters – Ep 12 – The Pied Piper of Mooville
The Sisters resume work on their treehouse. We also have a special guest who joins them. Who is she? Then piper leads a parade of bovines. What is she up to? Stay tuned. All music Royalty free by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, girls, how, howto, lets, mincecraft, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, only, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, sisters, smp, survival, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 22nd, 2012
Mole Confidential – Season 2 – Episode 4
This a “behind the scenes” of episode 4 of the Mole, with some detail on the game itself, behind the scenes mole messages left for eliminated players, and who you think the mole is, plus a preview of the next challenge! Check it out! All music by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, dragon, dragons, enderman, endermen, episode, game, gameshow, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, mole, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, reality, sandbox, season, show, smp, survival, teaser, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 22nd, 2012
A Special Crew Announcement!
So this coming Sunday March 25th Piperbunny and Belboz will be on the Shaft Podcast! The live stream starts at 3PM CST, 4PM EST, 9PM GMT. For more information on the Shaft Podcast go to To watch the live stream go to. http We hope you either watch us live on Sunday, or catch the podcast when it airs the following Monday.
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, dragon, dragons, enderman, endermen, episode, game, gameshow, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, mole, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, podcast, pre-release, reality, sandbox, season, shaft, show, smp, survival, teaser, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Mar 22nd, 2012
A WtfMinecraft Adventure – Series 4 – Kurast // Episode 3
Leave your random questions in the comments below! Map: My LetsPlay Channel: Follow me on twitter:
Tags: 18, 19, adventures, and, answer, build, commentary, dungeon, enderman, fail, how, howto, john, lets, minecraft, of, play, playthrough, q&a, question, ravine, stronghold, the, to, tutorial, update, video, walkthrough, wtfminecraft
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Mar 21st, 2012