Posts Tagged ‘how’
The Fail Adventures of WtfMinecraft // Episode 99 (Would you rather?)
Tags: 18, 19, adventures, and, answer, build, commentary, dungeon, enderman, fail, how, howto, john, lets, minecraft, of, play, playthrough, q&a, question, ravine, stronghold, the, to, tutorial, update, video, walkthrough, wtfminecraft
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Apr 14th, 2012
Minecraft – The Mole – Season 2 Episode 08
The Mole is back!!! This time we have 10 players who will be competing in challenges each episode. Then they will take a quiz based on their knowledge of who they think the mole is! Who will be eliminated? Who is the Mole? Stay Tuned! Click here to vote on who you think is the mole All music by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″ http
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, dragon, dragons, enderman, endermen, episode, game, gameplay, gameshow, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, mole, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, reality, sandbox, season, show, smp, survival, teaser, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 14th, 2012
Kickbutt – A short movie parody
So since many of you think I sound like Nicolas Cage and that Lizzy sounds like Hit Girl from the movie who’s name I can’t type! We put this little parody together for you as thanks for all our subscribers support. If you want to see more movie parodies, let us know! All music Royalty free by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, big, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, daddy, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, girl, girls, hit, hitgirl, how, howto, kickass, lets, mincecraft, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, of, only, parkour, parody, pc, play, sandbox, sisters, smp, survival, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 14th, 2012
Minecraft: How to Construct a Castle – Part 3: Basic Entrance and Walls (Builder’s Book)
Please take a moment to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! Building has always been something Minecraft has been famed for. The ability to construct the most spectacular of houses and deadliest of traps, but what is it that one should build? The Minecraft Builder’s Book has some very nice things for you to try to construct, learn, and apply in your own creations! In this video, we finish off the walls of the castle using the knowledge we gained in the last video. We then construct a basic entrance. Kinda small, I know, but the next few eps will make up for it! :D This castle design is based of a massive castle I had constructed on the shameless Minecraft rip-off Fortress Craft. I had bought it simply because it seemed like Minecraft on Xbox, and it was rather cheap. The Castle I made there seemed to impress some other people, so I’ve decided to recreate it on Minecraft.
Tags: 10, and, battlements, beginners, beta, bookshelf, brick, build, building, castle, commentary, computer, construction, craft, creative, decorating, fortress, gameplay, gaming, help, how, legit, medieval, mine, minecraft, paintings, paulsoaresjr, pc, retro, secrets, stone, survival, survive, thrive, tips, to, tutorial
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Apr 14th, 2012
Minecraft – Darkness Falls – Part 10
In this new series the Crew must save the world of Minecraft from an evil dragon who has cast a spell turning the world to eternal darkness. The Crew are the only heroes near the dragons home and have only one day cycle before it is night forever. Our band of heroes must stay alive and reach the end, kill the evil dragon, and save the world of Minecraft! The difficulty is set up for this series, and if you die a remaining player must sacrifice a diamond in lava to bring that player back in the game. On your second death two diamonds must be sacrificed and so on. If all players die before someone can be brought back, the game is over, and the world of Minecraft stays dark forever. All music Royalty free by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, darkness, dragon, dragons, end, enderman, endermen, episode, falls, flat, flatlands, game, gameplay, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, land, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, sandbox, smp, survival, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 13th, 2012
Minecraft Essentials: Combat Tips – Critical Strike
Please take a moment to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! Thank you! Welcome to Minecraft Essentials, a series of tips and tricks helpful to veterans and newbies delivered in bite-size videos. This series is split to cover two detailed topics, helpful Minecraft Tricks and deadly Combat Tips. Your ability in combat can be vastly improved with a little bit of knowledge here and there. Knowledge of ‘Critical Strikes’ can greatly improve your ferocity in combat. A critical strike deals over double damage for most tools and weapons, and is performed by attacking whilst falling. In melee, a critical hit occurs when a player attacks a mob while falling. The attack deals 50% more (rounded down) plus one heart of damage. This can be done by jumping. It can also be combined with sprinting to knock back the mob, although there is no extra knockback for a critical hit. In an Abandoned Mine Shaft, a player may choose to jump into a cobweb. At the cost of mobility, the player will be granted a major damage increase, as cobwebs greatly extend the time the player falls. This same tactic can also be used when descending in water.
Tags: 10, and, arena, battle, beginners, beta, combat, commentary, computer, control, craft, critical, essentials, fighting, fun, gameplay, gaming, guide, help, hit, how, mine, minecraft, pc, pvp, retro, secrets, skill, sprint, stick, strike, survival, survive, sword, technique, thrive, tips, to, tutorial, war, wooden
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Apr 12th, 2012
Minecraft Sisters – Ep 15 – Wood, Wood, and More Wood
The Sisters need to chop down more trees for the wood needed for the treehouse. Listen to all the crazy discussions while they gather needed resources, plus cute little baby animals! Can you handle the cuteness? Stay tuned. All music Royalty free by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, girls, how, howto, lets, mincecraft, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, only, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, sisters, smp, survival, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 12th, 2012
Killing Floor – Somebody said some bad words…
In this map we play a special kind of mission based map. Normal killing floor maps require you to do wave after wave and reach the patriarch. This map requires us to move from location to location, with no trader to buy from. Eventually we face off against the patriarch. Can we survive this setup? And who is going to say some bad words? Stay tuned… Killing Floor is copyright Tripwire Interactive
Tags: action, episode, firebug, first-person, floor, fps, free, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, killing, lets, lizzy, multiplayer, pc, play, review, reviews, rpg, shooter, software, steam, survival, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 12th, 2012
Mole Confidential – Season 2 – Episode 7
This a “behind the scenes” of episode 7 of the Mole, with some detail on the game itself, behind the scenes mole messages left for eliminated players, and who you think the mole is, plus a preview of the next challenge! Check it out! All music by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 18, 181, 19, 2d, 3d, alpha, beta, commentary, core, craft, crew, dragon, dragons, enderman, endermen, episode, game, gameshow, gaming, hard, hardcore, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, mole, multiplayer, new, notch, pc, play, pre-release, reality, sandbox, season, show, smp, survival, teaser, the, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 11th, 2012
Minecraft – Lets Play – Ep 17 – Mama I’m Coming Home
The food situation is dire, the Crew becomes split up as we try to find our way home to our main village. One of the Crew goes out on their own and gets lost. Will people make it back in one piece? Stay tuned. All music Royalty free by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, smp, survival, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 10th, 2012