Posts Tagged ‘how’
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Cave Spider
Be sure to RATE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! The Cave Spider, a venomous terror of deep within the earth, spins it’s sturdy web within the depths of mineshafts long abandoned by their now dead miners. Small, agile and deadly, these are some of the most terrifying mobs in all of Minecraft. The Cave Spider is a hostile mob using the same model as the spider, but with a blue skin color and smaller size. They are more dangerous than the regular spider, but in turn they are much rarer than regular Spiders. Cave Spiders do not spawn naturally; they only spawn from monster spawners found in abandoned mine shafts. Their small size (0.7 x 0.7 x 0.5) allows them to fit through spaces one block wide and just half a block tall including those created by slabs, fence posts and two stair blocks facing each other. Cobwebs do not affect Cave Spiders.
Tags: 10, 125, 131, 360, abandoned, aggressive, arachnid, beta, cave, cow, craft, creature, deadliest, deadly, diamond, edition, enderdragon, game, guide, hardest, help, hostile, how, iron, milk, mine, minecraft, mineshaft, mob, monster, most, neutral, passive, poison, powerful, rail, ravine, seed, spawner, spider, to, torch, toxic, tutorial, venom, video, xbox
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Aug 14th, 2012
The Sims 3 – Episode 10 : Let´s Build That House!
The Sims 3 – Episode 10 : Let´s Build That House! OK, people! Let´s do it! Don´t hate cause I am a total n00b and this is like the first time ever playing The Sims. What is going on in this part?! This episode is all about the pond! :) Enjoy! Love ya all! Want to support Keralis? â– Donate: â– Twitter: â– Facebook: â– Website: Intro Music: Kevin MacLeod Diamonds, diamonds and a cookie for ya!
Tags: 2, 3, bouuusch, build, gameplay, house, how, in, keralis, learn, let´s, lets, modern, of, play, sims, the, to, tutorial, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Aug 14th, 2012
The Sims 3 – Episode 11 : Let´s Build That House!
The Sims 3 – Episode 11 : Let´s Build That House! OK, people! Let´s do it! Don´t hate cause I am a total n00b and this is like the first time ever playing The Sims. What is going on in this part?! This episode is all about the guesthouse! :) Enjoy! Love ya all! Want to support Keralis? â– Donate: â– Twitter: â– Facebook: â– Website: Intro Music: Kevin MacLeod Diamonds, diamonds and a cookie for ya!
Tags: 2, 3, bouuusch, build, gameplay, house, how, in, keralis, learn, let´s, lets, modern, of, play, sims, the, to, tutorial, world
Filed under Keralis :
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Aug 14th, 2012
Minecraft Tekkit – Let’s Play – Ep 4
In this episode we explore the depths below our house looking for rare items. Some Crew die. Some get pushed, and attacked by mad dogs. And in the end one Crew member has a shocking meeting with something or someone one. Stay tuned! You can find more information and download Tekkit at.
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, smp, survival, technic, tekkit, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Aug 13th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – Magma Cube
Be sure to RATE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! The fiery relative of the Slime, the Magma Cube resides within the depths of the Nether. Immune to lava, flame and all of that nature, it burns anyone too close with a fiery magma core, and will merely split upon “death”. Magma Cubes are hostile mobs with dark red and black skin and red, orange and yellow eyes found around The Nether. When killed, they release 2-4 smaller versions of themselves in addition to Experience Orbs, similar to Slimes. When they move, they jump up and momentarily unravel into several layers, giving them the appearance of a spring and revealing a molten lava core inside. Tags: Mine Craft Minecraft Magma Lava Fire Cube Slime Ball Cream how to “how to” tutorial Minecraft Mob Guide Help Beta 1.0 1.2.5 1.3.1 Pc gaming Retro “Magma Cube” “Magma Cream” Core Hardcore Stats Statistics Nether Flame Ghast Zombie Pigman “Zombie Pigman” Herobrine Xbox 360 Edition “Xbox 360 Edition” “Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)” Monster Creature Passive Aggressive Hostile Neutral Fight Tips Tricks “Minecraft Survival” “Survival Tutorial” “Mob Tutorial” “Mob Guide” “Monster Tutorial” Big Small
Tags: 10, 125, 131, 360, aggressive, ball, beta, big, core, craft, cream, creature, cube, edition, fight, fire, flame, game, gaming, ghast, guide, hardcore, help, herobrine, hostile, how, lava, magma, mine, minecraft, mob, monster, nether, neutral, passive, pc, pigman, platform, retro, slime, small, statistics, stats, survival, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, video, xbox, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Aug 13th, 2012
John Attempts – 404 Challenge // Episode 4
The 404 Challenge returns – COMMENT CHALLENGES FOR JOHN TO DO! Other channels: Vlogging: Facebook: Twitter: Four Oh FouR challenge: All episodes:
Tags: adventure, an, awesome, creation, epic, episode, fail, how, minecraft, pc, redstone, road, structure, structures, to, trap, tutorial, walkthrough, world, wtfminecraft, xbox
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Aug 12th, 2012
John Attempts – 404 Challenge // Episode 3
The 404 Challenge returns – COMMENT CHALLENGES FOR JOHN TO DO! Other channels: Vlogging: Facebook: Twitter: Four Oh FouR challenge: All episodes:
Tags: adventure, an, awesome, creation, epic, episode, fail, how, minecraft, pc, redstone, road, structure, structures, to, trap, tutorial, walkthrough, world, wtfminecraft, xbox
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Aug 11th, 2012
#Minecraft 1.3 Villager Trading for Dummies
â-ºSubscribe: â-ºTwitter:….. â-ºFacebook: ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft Amazing Piston Sandwave ———-[Minecraft Mod Reviews]——- ———- Directors channel: Minecraftdotnet Minecraft themodspotlight Tutorial how-to Let’s Play lp build showcase mod texture pack addon 1.3 updates snapshot notch jeb How to install
Tags: 13, dummies, for, how, minecraft, minecraftdotnet, themodspotlight, to, trading, use, village, villager
Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET :
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Aug 11th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Build HD: House 8×8 Lot
Minecraft Lets Build HD: House 8×8 Lot Heya Minecrafters, been out of the game for some time so I really hope you do enjoy this. First lot house in ages. :) So please show some love….. :) Want to support Keralis? â– Donate: â– Twitter: â– Facebook: â– Website: â– Lets Build Series â– House Tutorials Series: â– Lets Play: ————————————————- ———- TexturePack ———- Soartex FanVer: ——– Music & Vocals ——- Intro Music was made by Heffay. http Vocals are from: Outro Music Kevin MacLeod Lots of love & diamonds! -Keralis
Tags: 8x8, a, build, download, game, house, how, keralis, lets, lot, minecraft, mod, modern, of, play, shaders, shadows, size, to, tutorial, video, world
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Aug 10th, 2012
Minecraft Tutorials – E55 Ender Chest (Survive and Thrive III)
Discuss this video and series on! How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft! In this episode, we craft a pair of Ender Chests, which gives us a shared, persistent storage across dimensions! As a bonus, we find some Diamonds while collecting ingredients to make the Ender Chests! Download this tutorial world: or create it from scratch: Time lapse song is “Power Juice” by PacDV @ WEB: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here: In this episode you will learn – how to craft an Ender Chest
Tags: 13, and, beginners, beta, chest, commentary, computer, ender, eye, gameplay, gaming, guide, help, how, minecraft, obsidian, of, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, secrets, survival, survive, thrive, tips, to, tutorial
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Aug 10th, 2012