Posts Tagged ‘how’
Minecraft Tutorials – E57 Cocoa Bean Farm (Survive and Thrive III)
Discuss this video and series on! How to Survive and Thrive in Minecraft! In this episode, we build a cocoa bean farm and use the harvested beans to make brown wool and cookies! We’ll start by visiting a local jungle to gather our first batch of cocoa beans and jungle tree saplings, which we’ll use to establish a fully functional farm back at home. Download this tutorial world: or create it from scratch: Time lapse song is “Power Juice” by PacDV @ WEB: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here: In this episode you will learn – how to find cocoa bean pods – how to grow cocoa beans – how to make a cocoa bean farm – how to make cookies – how to make brown wool
Tags: 13, and, bean, beans, beginners, beta, brown, cocoa, commentary, computer, coolies, farm, gameplay, gaming, guide, help, how, jungle, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, secrets, survival, survive, thrive, tips, to, tutorial, wool
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Sep 1st, 2012
DayZ – One does not simply walk into DayZ
So we had planned this video to be a DayZ tutorial, and it kinda started that way. But things quickly got messed up, and then something completely unexpected happened! We were playing on the Rinaun private hive DayZ servers. Go to for more info on them! DayZ is a free mod for the Arma 2 engine. You can find out more about DayZ at. “This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive. See for more information.” Title Song – “Pop Goes the Weasel” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Title Song :
Tags: action, arma, arma2, chernarus, cherno, dayz, electro, episode, first-person, fps, free, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, infection, lets, multiplayer, pc, play, review, reviews, rpg, sandbox, shooter, software, steam, survival, to, video, world, zombie, zombies
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Sep 1st, 2012
Minecraft – Block That Copy – Season 1 – Episode 3
Block that copy is a new game by the Crew. In the game players will be split into two teams. A player from each team will step up and a series of minecraft items will be displayed for both players. When one player thinks they can remember the items and the order they can flip their lever. This will block the items from being seen by either player. Then both players will race back to their placement stations and put the correct items down, and in the correct order as shown to them at the placement station. If they get it correct they win a point for their team. If they get it wrong, the other team has as much time as they want to try to get it right and score a point for their team. A quick memory is needed if you want to memorize the items and…. Block that copy! Music by Dan-O at
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, block, challenge, commentary, copy, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, season, smp, survival, that, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Aug 31st, 2012
TERROR HOUSE // Episode 4 – Feeling Explosive?
Comment your trap ideas for the chance to be featured in The Terror House! World Downloads: Vlogging: Facebook: Twitter: Thumbnails made by:
Tags: adventure, an, awesome, creation, epic, episode, fail, house, how, minecraft, pc, redstone, road, structure, structures, terror, to, trap, tutorial, walkthrough, world, wtfminecraft, xbox
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Aug 31st, 2012
Minecraft Sisters – Ep 35 – Silly Sisters
How silly can the Sisters be? That is one of the great unanswered questions of the universe. Or is it? Stay tuned. Title Song = “Radio Martini” All music Royalty free by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0″
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, girls, how, howto, lets, mincecraft, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, only, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, sisters, smp, survival, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Aug 30th, 2012
John plays: The Simpsons Hit & Run // Episode 19
John’s driving skills are definitely not up to par to play this game. Vlogging: Facebook: Twitter:
Tags: adventure, an, awesome, creation, epic, episode, fail, how, minecraft, pc, redstone, road, structure, structures, to, trap, tutorial, walkthrough, world, wtfminecraft, xbox
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Aug 30th, 2012
Road to an Awesome World – Episode 22 – ‘Enderman farm is a go’
Episode 22! Today we build an Enderman farm in The End. Those Endermen won’t know what’s coming to them. The fist with the power of a thousand suns. Other channels: Vlogging: Facebook: Twitter: World seed: TFA S2 World Download (Ep18): All episodes:
Tags: adventure, an, awesome, creation, epic, episode, fail, how, minecraft, mod, pc, redstone, road, structure, structures, tekkit, to, trap, tutorial, walkthrough, world, wtfminecraft, xbox
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Aug 30th, 2012
Minecraft Tekkit – Let’s Play – Ep 5
When we last left Tekkit Belboz had just turned a corner to face a creeper right next to him. That familiar ssssssssss sound was occurring! Will Belboz surivive? Will he lose all the stuff he found? Stay tuned! You can find more information and download Tekkit at.
Tags: 2d, 30, 3d, alpha, beta, challenge, commentary, craft, crew, episode, game, gameplay, gaming, ghast, how, howto, lets, mind, mindcraft, mine, minecraft, minute, multiplayer, new, notch, of, parkour, pc, play, sandbox, smp, survival, technic, tekkit, thrones, to, top, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Aug 29th, 2012
Tekkin’ it up – Episode 1
Any suggestions for builds for this world are welcome! Tekkit mod: World Download: Vlogging: Facebook: Twitter:
Tags: adventure, an, awesome, creation, epic, episode, fail, house, how, minecraft, pc, redstone, road, structure, structures, terror, to, trap, tutorial, walkthrough, world, wtfminecraft, xbox
Filed under WtfMinecraft :
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Aug 29th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – Ghast
Be sure to RATE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! The Ghast is the giant, weeping monster of the Nether with cries that echo for all to hear. Firing great balls of fire (no pun intended) at any who dare cross between the realms. Ghasts are very large, jellyfish-like mobs that float through the air and shoot fireballs from their mouths. Their bodies are 4.5 blocks tall, 4 blocks wide, and 4 blocks thick cubes with 9 tentacle-like limbs hanging from the bottom. They first appeared in the Halloween Update. Ghasts are able to spawn above any non-transparent block in the Nether, as long as there is sufficient space (at least a 4*4*4 cube, with the base centered above a solid block) and the game is not in Peaceful mode. Tags: Mine Craft Minecraft Mob Guide “Mob Guide” Ghast Nether Fireball Fire Ball Flame Flint and Steel Portal Frame Zombie Pigman Super Hostile Charge “Fire Charge” Gunpowder Tear “Ghast Tear” Brewing Potion Regeneration Xbox 360 Edition “Xbox 360″ “Minecraft Xbox” Survival Beta 1.0.0 1.2.5 1.3.1 Multiplayer Singleplayer PC Gaming “Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition” Tutorial Help How to “How to” Combat Survival Creative Blaze Herobrine
Tags: 100, 125, 131, 360, and, ball, beta, blaze, brewing, charge, combat, craft, creative, edition, fire, fireball, flame, flint, frame, gaming, ghast, guide, gunpowder, help, herobrine, hostile, how, mine, minecraft, mob, multiplayer, nether, pc, pigman, portal, potion, regeneration, singleplayer, steel, super, survival, tear, to, tutorial, xbox, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Aug 29th, 2012