Posts Tagged ‘360’
Minecraft: Build n’ Play / BeastCraft World Save – Contest – Future Content!
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Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 17th, 2012
Minecraft: Ant Farm Survival: Episode 23 – I HATE THE NETHER!!
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Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 17th, 2012
Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 45 – Nether Fortress!
A little bit of LOVE goes a long way, thanks to anyone that has EVER supported me! Facebook: Twitter: Website: Forums: Livestreams
Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 16th, 2012
Minecraft: Ant Farm Survival: Episode 22 – Hardcore Short!
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Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 15th, 2012
Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 44 – Day / Night Sensor!
Leave a thumbs up if you’re exited for the return of my world! Previous Hardcore: World Save Downloads: Facebook: Twitter: Website: Forums: Livestreams
Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 12th, 2012
Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 43 – WORLD REAPERS
Please support this video by leaving a LIKE, Comment and possibly a Favourite :D Special Thanks to the following: MGPlatinium: CapturedHD: GenerikB: RyRyFriel & YOU BEASTS! Music From: Facebook: Twitter: Website: Forums: Livestreams
Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 10th, 2012
Minecraft: Ant Farm Survival: Episode 21 – Owned By Minecraft Again!
Don’t forget to leave a LIKE! Facebook: Twitter: Website: Forums: Livestreams
Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 9th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Skeleton
Please take a moment to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! The Skeleton is the undead archer of the night. This video goes into detail about these bow-wielding fiends. This is the forth episode in a series of Minecraft Mob Guides, where we look at all the hostile AND passive mobs in Minecraft in detail. In this episode, we take a look at the Skeleton, the rattling bones that roams the night. Skeletons, whilst quite fragile and weak alone, will actually turn out to be one of your most common causes of death in the overworld due to their very high damage to an unarmored, unsuspecting opponent. A skeleton is a fairly fast-paced enemy that will shoot arrows at the player and any mobs that attack it. Like zombies, skeletons spawn in dimly lit areas, and will burn in daylight (when the sun is 15 degrees or greater above the ground) unless they are swimming in water or are standing in the shade. For example, underneath a tree, outcropping of a mountain or player-built structure. The skeleton has received an AI update in version 1.2 that allows them be about as “smart” as zombies, since they were both given similar AI updates. Skeletons now seek cover when on fire, and can perform many other “smarter” actions. Music by Daniel ‘C418′ Rosenfield – Hal3 “Haggstrom” Tags: How To Tutorial minecraft beta 1.0 survival tutorial help pc gaming gameplay commentary tips secrets computer retro beginners how to survive and thrive bookshelf paintings decorating paulsoaresjr Skeleton Bones Arrows Bow 0 …
Tags: 0-2, 10, 360, a, and, arrows, beginners, beta, bonemeal, bones, book, bookshelf, bow, builders, castle, combat, commentary, computer, construct, deadly, decorating, edition, enchanted, gameplay, gaming, group, guide, help, how, minecraft, mob, paintings, paulsoaresjr, pc, retro, secrets, skeleton, survival, survive, thrive, tips, to, tutorial, xbox
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Jun 8th, 2012
Minecraft Version 1.3 Villager Trading Guide (Snapshot 12w21a)
Please be sure to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! READ: If the video is going too fast, I suggest that you pause the video to read the text. A new part of Minecraft allows us to go from so much as a wheat farm all the way to some chain mail armor and enchanted tools. In Minecraft version 1.3,…
Tags: 100, 125, 12w21a, 12w21b, 12w22a, 13, 166, 360, alpha, armor, beta, chain, creative, creeper, diamond, edition, expand, find, gaming, get, gold, guide, herobrine, how, iron, leather, market, minecraft, mob, new, pc, retro, snapshot, survival, testificate, to, trading, tutorial, version, village, wheat, xbox
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Jun 8th, 2012
Minecraft: Ant Farm Survival: Episode 20 – Nether Fortress!
Don’t forget to leave a LIKE! Facebook: Twitter: Website: Forums: Livestreams
Tags: 1, 360, and, brenybeast, build, craft, creations, creeper, episode, gameplay, hardcore, island, lets, machinima, mc, mine, minecraft, mods, n, pack, play, redstone, server, survival, texture, tnt, trailer, trap, tutorial, xbox
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Jun 7th, 2012