Minecraft: Herobrine’s Mansion 03 The Final Battles

Minecraft: Herobrine's Mansion 03 The Final Battlesbit.ly | Get notified of all my uploads Me and Sokar play Hypixels new map Herobrines Mansion! www.youtube.com Sokar’s Perspective www.youtube.com ———————————————— Want to support my channel? ▏ Subscribe bit.ly ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me ▏ Livestream bit.ly ———————————————— Download Herobrines Mansion www.planetminecraft.com

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 6th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Herobrine’s Mansion 03 The Final Battles”

  1. allrj1 Says:

    i know people hate it when people do this but please come check out my channel i do minecraft vlogs and any ideas you’ll throw out at me.

  2. NaveTGT Says:


  3. Whippenberg Says:

    he in fact had 1 in his last slot for a long while now :D

  4. lookasneetch Says:

    such an awesome map

  5. icevin44 Says:

    We all do. Not like its gay or anything… its just he’s awesome!

  6. FatAssassin3 Says:

    Loved it

  7. Albinacers Says:

    A friking awesome map, well done guys.

  8. llammaas Says:

    Great video! :]

  9. PigLoveMinecraft Says:

    How would you know? and yes I have, so you are saying the video is bad? wow your a complete dickhead.

  10. TheCorkScrewGaming Says:

    You didn’t even use one of your three beserker potions Xisuma xD

  11. max howard Says:


  12. redboy755 Says:

    I thoguht you were supposed to get Herobrine’s axe as a drop

  13. Alex Tate Says:

    I thought about this half way through the herobrine fight, if Shadow of Israphel, (don’t hate), is this epic at the end, I think it could finally redeem itself :p

  14. Omawesomez Says:

    Is it weird that I love you? because I do.

  15. Peter Tum Says:

    nooooo it cant be

  16. Sylar279 Says:

    “i’m using a berserkers potion”
    “oh why didn’t we think of that earlier”
    still doesn’t drink one…xD

  17. judd500 Says:

    Great map, great gaming. Xisuma you really need to stop just taking off without your partner and just assuming he is right behind you all the time. You do that a lot.
    You are still a great player. Much love, no hate.

  18. smirus Says:


  19. VampyStudios Says:

    Sokar: Just stick the sword in the armpit where there is no armor!

  20. nick0123210 Says:

    That was an epic battle :D

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