#Minecraft Cool Rollercoaster Showcase

#Minecraft Cool Rollercoaster Showcaseâ-ºSubscribe: bit.ly â-ºTwitter:….. bit.ly â-ºFacebook: on.fb.me ———-[You may also Like]——- Minecraft 1.4 Update www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Minecraft Mod Reviews]——- www.youtube.com ———- Directors Channel: www.youtube.com Minecraftdotnet Minecraft themodspotlight Tutorial how-to Let’s Play lp build showcase mod texture pack addon 1.4 update snapshot notch jeb How to install

Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Oct 1st, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Cool Rollercoaster Showcase”

  1. imAddictedtomymusic Says:

    Hash tag?

  2. jacbohanaj Says:

    Wow nice

  3. cupojoe789 Says:

    Its cool but not a rollercoaster

  4. DalkerKD Says:

    how can you build dirt? you can build things MADE OF dirt

  5. mozgiprodal Says:


  6. SuPerLjRecords Says:


  7. BlockzBane Says:

    I was thinking about uploading to here what do i have to do, I read it but i don’t understand :L

  8. 321myself Says:

    i am in great need of the music! what is it, and who have made it!

  9. TheGamingGrunts Says:

    Please watch my newest minecraft tutorial! /watch?v=vK7hNLErG3k
    I’d really appreciate it :)

  10. YoShiDaHoMiE Says:

    Gud job making it

  11. JoeBGR Says:

    nice video but bad texturepack

  12. greaperc4 Says:

    whats the name of song?

  13. dayana109WW Says:

    Dislikers dont know how to build a rollercoasters, all they do is building a dirt house…

  14. chrisdukich Says:

    whats the song in the backround?

  15. legomanjj Says:

    Nice video

  16. ImMxrs Says:

    hey dumbass bitch look at ur channel before u talk u dumb ass piece of shit. This is a shit video is what im trying to say just like ur shit channel

  17. Samulawl Says:

    shut up

  18. Yakixx2012 Says:

    Good build, nice effects and timing on events like when you drop and light vs dark areas. Personally tho minecraft tends to give me a headache with too many camera moves, so I prefer rides with less turns so I can actually enjoy the scenery better. I haven’t built any rollercoaster this big, and I know how hard it is, so good job.

  19. Tro Llacostime Says:

    O M G, i’m very impressed

  20. iTzIllussion Says:

    Dude this is not bad why so many dislikes..?!?!

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