Minecraft 2.0 – Mindcrack EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK!

Minecraft 2.0 - Mindcrack EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK!This is an exclusive “sneak peek” at Minecraft 2.0 which is coming soon! For more information visit http://mojang.com/2013/04/its-finally-coming-minecraft-2-…

Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Apr 1st, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft 2.0 – Mindcrack EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK!”

  1. Martin Gustafsson Says:


  2. boden hodge Says:

    April fools day!

  3. andre10feb Says:

    no! it’s a legit update!

  4. stickaidan Says:

    good April fools paul :)
    now if you excuse me, i have some doors to saran-wrap.

  5. tim allan Says:

    Let me guess, April fools? I haven’t watched the video yet.

  6. nerdy opped Says:

    Is the creative mode thing a joke too. Please

  7. hellroad24 Says:


  8. skyarexstudios Says:

    I hope some of these features are actually in the game, even if this may be some incredibly elaborate april fools day joke :P

  9. littec360 Says:

    Ya i totally bet this is an april fools joke.

  10. Arkdragonman Says:

    Murder chikens pink wither holding fish takes away life points green horse nope! april fools any body

  11. NightShade21099 Says:

    I don’t like 2.0 minecraft is too op now :( blue chickens!

  12. Alanbeep Says:

    #YOBO xDDD

  13. Jenna K. Says:

    Great joke!!

  14. xxxNLDxxx Says:

    Happy April Fools Day!! :D

  15. MrTorterra111 Says:

    I really hope this is a joke… Some of the new features are ridiculous…

  16. 85AngelShadow Says:

    Not really creative, seeing how man different Minecraft 2.0 April Fool “Jokes” are out there and the sad thing is, people seem to have forgotten, what an April Fool should be: A joke that isn’t blatantly obvious, so it turns from “funny, i could’ve believed it” to “Well, that was lame”.

  17. Ryan kelly Says:

    Can I be in mind rack

  18. IStabYouTF2 Says:

    i love how Docm77 at 9:29 says “the videos need to be done by aprils 1st” so it kinda gave it away :P

  19. MrTorterra111 Says:

    Hellroad24 are you sure?

  20. indonesiasaya Says:

    AWH MAN what happen to mindcrack i love the old mindcrack T_T

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