Mindcrack SMP E11 “Sad and Lonely Mountain” (Multiplayer Survival Server)

Mindcrack SMP E11 MindCrack is a “vanilla” survival server started by GuudeBoulderfist in 2010. Mindcrack is private and access is by invitation only. Discuss on Punchwood.com! bit.ly Guude’s channel: www.youtube.com Background music by Kevin Macleod: incompetech.com WEB: punchwood.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Get Minecraft here: minecraft.net

Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Feb 9th, 2013

20 Responses to “Mindcrack SMP E11 “Sad and Lonely Mountain” (Multiplayer Survival Server)”

  1. sixtimechampion Says:

    LOL the creeper creeper-bombed the spider
    like so paul can see

  2. IVLG REAPER Says:

    You should play ftb, you have everyone to help you with it and there are amazing things you can do, the people that say not to play it, I doubt have ever played it themselves, but at the same time still continue mindcrack, a lot of viewers would love to see modded multiplayer from you.

  3. Moiinc2013 Says:

    Lot of prankers on ftb like anders

  4. TheRiddler0162 Says:

    get some fish without eating it for that random dwarf cat also you should get a dog

  5. Bailey Perkowski Says:

    Ok Paul, I would like the vanilla server (SMP). But try to play on the server twice a week, since it started a few weeks ago.

  6. Theoddert Says:

    FTB would be great just so long as you still do some vinilla :)

  7. bob0071407 Says:

    Duuu beast

  8. sixtimechampion Says:

    I would enjoy FTB paul, but its your choice

  9. IVLG REAPER Says:

    @PROletrix He wouldnt be stopping mindcrack he would just add another series to his channel

  10. IVLG REAPER Says:

    @Yorben van der Eyk That is a selfish comment

  11. Jake Salles Says:


  12. 180799gb Says:

    vanilla (U MISSED PUMPKINS!)

  13. PROletrix Says:

    Paul please dont switch to Feed the beast… Most of your viewers are here for vanilla minecraft, You just got into minecrack dont stop now… we really want to see you build and play.

  14. B Shirley Says:


  15. jro889603 Says:

    FTB because you do too much vanilla your hardly ever modded or creative or not survival.

  16. TypicalSuburbanite Says:

    Stick with vanilla please?

  17. Jake Salles Says:


  18. Bertie Taylor Says:


  19. Jaster Gonsalves Says:

    I kinda want both, love feed the beast , but also good to see u Paul be creative

  20. BigVern46 Says:

    Gold?wat is gold I’ve only heard of butter

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