Map Making – The Arena: Episode 8

Map Making - The Arena: Episode 8Today we upgrade the team holding rooms, and work on implementing some scoreboard and wireless redstone features into our starting platform. Let’s make a map! The goal of this series is to build a PvP arena of sorts, that is capable of a few specific technical functions needed for my game. The most important aspect of this game/map is the game design and rules, not really the map itself. More details will be revealed as we get further into things.

Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 22nd, 2013

20 Responses to “Map Making – The Arena: Episode 8”

  1. 1superricko Says:

    no it is scorebord in the command but because the command is so long it doesn’t show it all if you read the chat when he clicks done you see that it does say scorebord

  2. MrArmokir Says:


  3. Wolf480pl Says:

    Etho, are you sure you want the radius=3 in the command blocks for joining the team? I think radius=1 would be enough.

  4. cha0ticmager Says:

    Hey etho, i love your vids but i have one small question, you’ve started this map making episodes since a couple months ago… and you’re still doing stuff for the start setup and not even with the map itself, redstone and other stuffs keep changing and so will your start setup, i’m only worried that it’s taking you forever if you’ll ever finish this, i know you said this was a side project but a side project should finish one day too.. and that’s not happening now, don’t take this the wrong way

  5. Kacper Lubisz Says:

    Anyone who has ever tried programing palm faces at the command blocks

  6. isaacblakeley Says:

    Etho should set the command blocks to a redstone clock so it will update every now and then

  7. Callofduty123able Says:

    Or a type of fence or something… You can break glass in adventure mode! :)

  8. MrArmokir Says:

    He’s doing a lot of different things on his channel and I find this really entertaining so that’s your opinion, but not mine. He does a lot of stuff, like his single player survival, FTB and all that stuff, so he tries to please everyone. Please respect that, and as I said, he already puts up some survival single player episodes, so I don’t know why you’re complaining.

  9. mango98761 Says:

    your a smart one arrent you?

  10. WrongJay Says:

    You did. Now be gone.

  11. Colorfusion1 Says:

    There are 3 pressure plates, and people will probably not be standing perfectly on the plate.

  12. 26sokolov Says:

    It was to long for the command block it was not wrong ;)

  13. jack kennedy Says:

    like so he sees

    etho you said coreboard in the command

  14. WrongJay Says:

    It’s funny how Etho thinks it uncomfortable in the waiting room. When in Nail you sit in a 1×2 Cage.

  15. Beatrice Tassi Says:

    Hi Etho if you are worried about the people from other teams kill punch each other to death try to put a beacon near the spawn with Resistance =D

  16. Extreme789Gamer Says:

    Join the best cracked server,the staff are wonderfull,

  17. Conkermeister Says:

    we never get tired of listening to you :P

  18. RedsBoneStuff Says:

    These are the blocks that I know people can break in Adventure mode:
    Glass, Redstone Lamps, Beacons, Snow layer, !Ladders!, Item Frames, Paintings, Flower Pots, Torches, all Heads, all Saplings, Tall Grass, Flowers, Mushrooms, Dead Bushes, Lily Pads, Buttons, Levers, Tripwire Hooks, Redstone, Redstone Torches, Repeaters, Comparators, Lamps, Tripwire (String), all Tracks (including Activator Track).
    That’s all I know, please correct me if I’m wrong.
    I hope this helps! :D

  19. mattloulou123123 Says:

    when is the regular post time for the map makeing series

  20. 09ykellah Says:

    anyone else notices that etho’s intro music is the same as ninbuzz’s old one

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