Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 13] “Co-op with Veggie-son!” (Gameplay / Playthrough)

Let's Play Starbound [Ep 13] Let’s play Starbound, the sandbox of galactic adventure! In this episode, Clyde makes a refinery to convert ore to pixels! Later, we’re joined by my REAL LIF…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 25th, 2013

20 Responses to “Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 13] “Co-op with Veggie-son!” (Gameplay / Playthrough)”

  1. Rebecca Geimer Says:

    Merry Christmas Paul! :) today is Dec. 24

  2. ShadowMan Says:

    Ha! I never knew I could make bandages but last week I figured it out. And
    before that, I was surviving on planets with like 2-3 bars fighting like a
    madman. XD. Man vs Wild style.

  3. MinecraftDog999 Says:

    Merry christmas paul and his family.

  4. Mike The Gamer Says:

    Paul, you can save on torches for a bit during the day by mining the
    background using right click. Same thing for draining water up to a
    certain depth.

  5. xXLonewolf55Xx Says:

    How did you get that docter

  6. eh dollet Says:

    i updataed and my ship reset and all my planets :( i lost like 30 hours of
    gameplay i keeped all my ship places because i killed the dragon bone boss
    and i lost like 40 diamonds and a shit load of other stuff :( you only
    keep what you have on you when you updata

  7. Elizabeth McKeever Says:

    Smelt your diamond ore.

  8. jeanette loweree Says:

    Happy holidays!

  9. Echax Says:

    Paul, next to the craft button, there’s a number, you can use the arrow
    keys on it to increase how many you make, rather than spamming ‘craft’
    Alternatively, you can type a number into the box. Hope this helped :D

  10. GGBudderCast Says:

    Paul if you take coper and rightclick it on your pickaxe you are going to
    repair it 10 % :D

  11. Jonathan Anderson Says:

    Your son is awesome!Pls make more videos with him.

  12. Benjamin Buckmaster Says:


    Teehee can’t wait to tell my 6th grade friends about this

  13. BlockySheep Says:

    Hey Paul, you have a piano guitar in your inventory, you should play a song
    with your son! I found one in a Glitch castle and it’s soooo cool! It has
    Christmas songs on it!

  14. kindyak7 Says:

    Ok, so I’ve got to like middle of the video, when I realized it wasn’t some
    random chick, but his son.

  15. sean aaron dela cruz Says:

    Yay 3 comment

  16. Ben Norris Says:

    You can use any ore to repair :)

  17. Ljubisa Stjepanovic Says:

    Hi Paul, Greetings from Serbia and Merry Christmas to all.
    I got a tip for you about bandages. You don’t need to chop vines, just find
    jungle world and use a weapon on grass and bushes, they drop fiber plant
    material and its very easy and fast to collect it. And there is a lot of it.

    Btw, nice show you run. I watched most of your MC videos. You are one of
    the rare people who doing a great show for kids. Your videos are educating,
    fun, non violent there is a little violence but only in form of fun.
    I’m 32 y old and i love to watch your videos. Just keep going.

  18. Ant100mc Says:

    i had a world just like that and i got 5 Diamonds just from a chest! it was
    really great! then i crashed…

  19. Pancake Sorcerer Says:


  20. WowNemy Says:

    Merry Christmas to all of you guys!

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