HermitCraft with Keralis & Biffa2001 – Episode 6: Dead Ends

HermitCraft with Keralis & Biffa2001 - Episode 6: Dead EndsHermitCraft with Keralis & Biffa2001 – Episode 6: Dead Ends Dear Minecrafters! In this episode I will be joined by Biffa2001, first Biffa will show us the biggest attempt to clear out an entire ocean then we will head out on an epic cave adventure. Check out Biffa2001 – Biffa2001 – www.youtube.com Diamonds, diamonds and more diamonds for you all! :) HermitCraft is an invite only white listed vanilla server owned by Generikb! Members include: GenerikB – www.youtube.com kiershar – www.youtube.com hypnotizd – www.youtube.com Biffa2001 – www.youtube.com red3yz – www.youtube.com xisumavoid – www.youtube.com 777static777 – www.youtube.com SokarEntertainment – www.youtube.com Keralis – www.youtube.com Topmass – www.youtube.com Joe Hills – youtube.com Do you want to support the channel? Please check out these links. ————————————————- * Twitter: bit.ly * Facebook: on.fb.me * WWW: www.keralis.net ————————————————- * Lets Build Series bit.ly * House Tutorials Series: bit.ly ————————————————- * Lets Play: bit.ly ————————————————- Do you want to support the channel with a small donation? Paypal: bit.ly ————————————————- ———- TexturePack ———- Faithful 32×32: bit.ly ——– Music & Vocals ——- Intro Music was made by Heffay. www.youtube.com www.heffay.com http Vocals are from: beatsroyaltyfree.com Outro music was …

Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Jun 13th, 2012

20 Responses to “HermitCraft with Keralis & Biffa2001 – Episode 6: Dead Ends”

  1. Keralis Says:

    oh thanks buddy! diamonds! <3

  2. Keralis Says:

    Will do today. :)

  3. mx4tnationclan Says:


  4. MrHiyoall Says:

    deactivate tmi with O come on it makes it look like your having vanila minecraft

  5. joshua123838 Says:

    Great additions to video

  6. Keralis Says:

    I am Polish but live in Sweden :)

  7. xDeralis Says:

    when are you going to do the comp announcements?

  8. Colieoleyoley Says:

    How do you download the jungle house map from Keralis.net?

  9. Keralis Says:

    1-1 ale teraz wygrajem. :)

  10. Keralis Says:

    oh snap forgot. Will add it as soon as I can.

  11. louisworldchannel Says:

    6455th viewr yay!

  12. kennylaw1011 Says:

    can you turn of tomanyitems

  13. louisworldchannel Says:

    Keralis,why don’t you build casino?

  14. Keralis Says:

    I hope I get some time off work to get time to record that. :)

  15. ltlbuddy1 Says:

    biffas base reminds me of monkeyfarms :)

  16. mx4tnationclan Says:


  17. DarkwiizardMC Says:

    lol fancy wantsy pantsy!

  18. MrHiyoall Says:

    what part of swedin do you live in if you live in the country

  19. KingDaCool Says:

    hahahaha i love the mad clicking in the background :)

  20. jrromeo320 Says:

    Keralis when will u go back too old survival buddy i miss that alot!?

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