Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 13: Nether Project

Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 13: Nether ProjectMindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. This episode got somewhat messed up because I mistakenly deleted a few of the clips.

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Apr 10th, 2012

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 13: Nether Project”

  1. xrfya Says:

    oi man, im an idiot, what does this do?

  2. XamioStone Says:

    Are you dumb? He’s sharing with PauseUnPause. He said so in the video.

  3. xWeeze Says:

    lol u so stupid.

  4. flopboy1 Says:

    Lol the biome in the Nether is “Hell”. Didn’t know that.

  5. Thougo Says:

    Just learn to make a clock and wire it up to the dispensers.

  6. XxbabbyarexX Says:


  7. XamioStone Says:

    You’re not very smart, are you?

  8. PnoySUrgE Says:

    what does smp stands for??

  9. XamioStone Says:

    People didn’t know this?

  10. flopboy1 Says:

    It is a faster way of transport from the bases of all the people on the server.

  11. tomutwit Says:

    I am actually quite smart, it’s just I can’t afford to spend all day watching every second of an etho video

  12. willuvbb Says:

    i know that, i’ve probably been watching his videos longer than you

  13. MrIantennis Says:


  14. wejustgame Says:

    If anyone could check out my channel would be mean alot!

  15. laputahayom Says:

    more like bugged.

  16. gunner23178 Says:


  17. MrIantennis Says:

    how do you get ghrassy blocks?!

  18. xWeeze Says:

    Hes sharing with pakratt, not Pause.

  19. LDazx Says:

    and it doesn’t work above y=128, i wasted about 2 hrs trying to make it work…

  20. XamioStone Says:

    Survival Multi-Player.

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