Don’t Starve Together #3: Finding Home

Don't Starve Together #3: Finding HomeJoin us as we explore this bleak world full of dangers, wonders, and starving fools wandering the creepy wilderness. Docm77: Game Steam Page: http://store.stea.

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Jan 4th, 2015

20 Responses to “Don’t Starve Together #3: Finding Home”

  1. Bradley Gamble Says:

    On don’t starve the brain is your amount of sanity if you lose to much you
    see shadows of creatures then if you go even lower the shadow creatures
    come alive and kill you to regain you sanity pick flowers from off the
    ground and the flower hat you made regains your sanity slowly every moment
    you aren’t in a grave yard or at night also the graveyards,worm holes and
    evil flowers lowers your sanity a lot also staying up at night lowers your
    sanity I hope you read this and thanks for your time 

  2. daddelmitnevermind Says:

    Is he so zoomed in because of performance problems?

  3. Franco Culaciati Says:

    ETHO COULD YOU PLEASE ZOOM OUT!!! (yes, i know i’m shouting but it’s
    because it annoys me a lot)

  4. Pandovski Wojtek Says:

    Hey Etho, I’ve an idea for filler episodes. You can do survival games with
    Pause and Beef or with Guude and BdoubleO. You can make these video’s match
    your standards by editing out slow parts and maybe include multiple games
    in one episode.

  5. Tony Lu Says:

    Research points have been removed, and instead been replaced by a function
    where when you stand near the science machine/alchemy engine you can make
    new items without any cost, and after that you can craft that item at will
    without being near the SM/AE. Also I believe that winter starts at day 20
    or 21 (not sure which) and ends at day 35. Winter makes it so grass,
    saplings, berry bushes, and crops will not grow. Nor the crops will be able
    to be insta-grown with fertilizer. Some animals will not spawn, such as
    butterflies. Rabbits and birds are still a viable food source. A boss
    called deerclops will sometimes spawn, which is neutral to the player, but
    his objective is the smash all structures (science machine, alchemy
    engines, fire pits, bee boxes, ice boxes, etc, etc, etc) so it Is wise to
    not attempt to kill him yourself, but to lure him into pigs or beefalo,
    mating season beefalo work well if you can lure deerclops through them, as
    the beefalo will get the first hit. Not recommended if the herd is small.
    Also beefalo during mating season will be aggressive, it shkws if they are
    mating or not when they have a pinkish bottom and swish their tails wildly.
    Wearing a beefalo hat will make the beefalo yet again neutral to you,
    though the beefalo hat costs a beefalo horn, which can be blown to attract
    beefalo, or made into a beefalo hat, the horn is a 1/3 chance of dropping
    from a killed beefalo so it’s not just a matter of shaving beefalo.

  6. CaptainCore993 Says:

    They still don’t know what sanity is ._.

  7. LGPhinix Says:

    Guys I make don’t starve videos and it would mean the world if you can
    check my channel out since it is harder to get your content out there!

  8. Jake Higdon Says:

    Etho! What is this “buffalo” you speak of? Do you mean *Beefalo*?

  9. EthosLab Says:
  10. Blaze Watches YT Says:

    +EthosLab That ‘mind’ thingy is something that if it goes down you’ll get
    more of these shadows,
    These shadows are an in-game imaginasion but they will still kill you. It
    goes down slowly at night and goes up at day.

  11. Lucas Gordon Says:

    6:25 its not new, its been in the game since the beginning.

  12. AMinecraftMaster Says:

    I’m sure lots of people have put answers already, but here goes:

    #1. The brain symbolizes Sanity. When it is low, you can see Shadow
    Creatures who will attack you. Sanity decreases when you do things like
    pick Evil Flowers, jump in Wormholes, eat RAW meat(edited, is everyone
    happy?!), using special books (that Doc can craft), etc.
    To increase Sanity, wear Garlands (like Etho is), sleeping(which won’t work
    for Doc since he is the librarian, he doesn’t sleep), killing Shadow
    Creatures, using a Science Machine (see #2), and eating sweet foods(like
    Ice cream), etc.

    #2. The Science Machine now works by creating prototypes of items right by
    it. Once the prototype of an item is built, you can craft it anywhere.

    #3. Chester is awesome.


    #5. Loving the series, keep going!

  13. Shelton Miller Says:

    Etho, you are in a very good position right now. Some things you need to
    know though are:

    -Food does spoil. If it is spoiling and it is raw, you may cook it and its
    spoil progress will reset.

    -The little green box around food in your hotbar means it is perishable and
    when it lowers it is rotting.

    -The brain is sanity. It lowers when you do certain actions. When it gets
    moderately low you will set things on fire involuntary. When it is very low
    you will die from being attacked by shadow monsters.

    -Eating rotting food lowers sanity, along with jumping through worm holes,
    murdering rabbits, being in the dark, etc.

    -Picking flowers raises sanity. Wearing a garland (your flower hat) will
    give a constant input of sanity. Make sure Doc picks some flowers and makes
    a garland or he will die.

    -Research points no longer exist. You stand next to the science machine and
    you are provided with many more crafting options. If you have the necessary
    ingredients to make an item it is prototyped, and you can then build it

    -The wolves are coming on day 10. Simply attract them to some beefalo and
    the beefalo will kill them in seconds.

    -Do not attack a pig-man.

    -You should dig up berry bushes and place them near your base, then use
    manure to fertilize them.

    -When rain starts falling, lighting will strike items near you, setting
    them on fire and burning them to ashes.

    Ily Etho

  14. James Bond Says:

    I know you can’t really know everything about the game, but your lack of
    knowledge is making me a litle bit angry. There are waaaay to many things
    to explain about this game, so you should either go to the wiki for half an
    hour, or watch someone’s let’s play. Because you really won’t get far
    without some knowledge. And when you die too many times you’ll probably
    stop this serie’s and that would be a shame, because this game has a lot to
    offer! Nice episode anyway!

  15. Dannyday Says:

    Can someone comment a link that goes to like a site which will show you all
    the items and the possible crafting recipes with them? (couldn’t find it on
    the wiki)

    Thanks :)

  16. Scuba Steve Says:

    ~Etho, Sanity is a huge part of this game. It normally goes down at night
    as the character doesn’t like being in the dark. Your garland you’re
    wearing improves sanity during the day.
    ~Rocks don’t all give gold now, only the ones with the vein through them.
    ~Rabits are also much easier to catch if you lay out the trap, go around to
    the other side, and dick up the hole (if you don’t need it there that is)
    ~Docs berry problem with his sanity was probably because it was rotting.
    ~Chester follows the stick, so you can leave it on the ground if you wish
    for him to stay. Hes also able to upgrade if you have the correct items.
    ~Save that one gear you have as you’ll be able to set up an icebox once you
    find a place to settle down.

  17. Bulbakip Says:

    9:40 Etho has censored Doc’s swear word :D
    btw Doc is losing his sanity because of wormholes and stuff… to raise his
    sanity he has to pick up some flowers, make the flower ‘thing’ you have on
    our head or eat sertain types of food

  18. Landon Owens Says:

    this game looks so damn cool but i wish you would zoom out if you can :/

  19. thekiller846 Says:

    14:20 – 14:27 you hear doc say “Barren lands here dyl” Dyl is short for
    Dylan which must mean that Etho’s name is Dylan! :D

  20. ThornCOD Says:

    At 14:24 Doc said: “Barren lands here Joe”

    Etho’s real name is Joe?!

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