Cities Skylines 03 Roundabout We Go

Cities Skylines 03 Roundabout We GoCities Skylines Playlist â-» Cities Skylines is a city building simulator game! Its like Sim City but better! In this…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Mar 6th, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines 03 Roundabout We Go”

  1. Finley42 Says:

    25th comment just sayin

  2. Oscar Larson Says:

    +xisumavoid , Everyone seams to be very confused why you keep asking for
    likes and why its so important. Maybe you should upload a video explaining
    to people how youtube works and why it is so important for you that your
    videos get likes. I don’t completely understand it myself butt i do get
    that more likes=more views in the future=more subs=a higher income for
    you=maybe your own house or apartment someday. For the people that throw
    a round the word moneywhore and things like that seriously wtf who doesn’t
    want more money. If you truly do like this series you should like the vids
    and support the creator of the content that you watch its not like it
    affects anyone negatively you just have to click your mouse. I love your
    vids and keep doing what you are doing X.

    Thank you for reading


    But was spelt as butt for very important reasons.

  3. slosh11111420 Says:

    You should direct the bottom traffic into your industry and out on top

  4. Keyan North Says:

    instead of pushing all of the traffic towards that one road, add diffrent
    releif points. like, add another section off the roundabout and pop it in
    about halfway down the side roads. other than that I would continue that
    other highway off ramp you made, a lot further. :)

  5. LattPlaysMinecraft/Kikisis Says:

    Hello Xisuma, pls say hi!

    P.S. awesome video as always

  6. ivanjacob Says:

    Xisuma, I know it would take a lot longer to upload, but is it possible to
    do this in 1080P? The UI would be a lot easier to read.
    Than ks for the videos!

  7. Samuel Farmer Says:

    Traffic tips from the developers are avoid traffic lights and use one ways.

  8. XseuguhX Says:

    I love the serie and I love the way you play this game but I find the like
    goal thing kinda lame. If you enjoy playing it, play it. If you don’t,
    don’t play it. Why do you need people to like the video to keep playing a
    game you like to play anyway ?

  9. Myralogue Says:

    Dead person in the elementary school…. o.O

  10. HannosWelt Says:

    1080p would look just awesome for this game. :)

  11. NinjaMooMoo Says:

    Why does it say not gullible at the bottom of the description? 

  12. ChapterNineTv Says:

    I LIVE for these episodes. I love everything about them. I don’t have any
    traffic solutions, I’m not even very good at city-building games. But I
    could watch episodes lie these all day long! :D

  13. Mister Eel Says:

    do a snake kind of roads, with (next to) no crossroads.

  14. Craig McIlwrath Says:

    I am pretty sure the traffic is getting backed up on the intersections to
    go down the smaller roads, so the entire industrial area might have to be
    rebuilt wider or have rethought intersections.

  15. Юрий Алексеев Says:

    Hi, X, you seriously don’t need smoke detectors unless you have about 15k
    citizens and this stuff is really expensive. While you are not having a lot
    of high density zones and crazy traffic, firefighters would be able to
    handle every fire in such a small city like yours.

  16. Brandon OFTO Says:

    X more roads do not mean less traffic, the best way to get rid of it is to
    use one way streets, one going one way and the next street over will go the
    other way, also try to avoid having stop lights at intersections it isn’t
    something you can control they just appear but it depends on how the roads
    are placed

  17. Jonathan Forse Says:

    Hi Xisuma, I’ve never played one of these type of games before, but for the
    traffic, what about making the roads that create the grid not create a
    junction at either side. So, for example, you could make half of the
    internal roads connect to one side of the “industrial square” while the
    others connect to the other side. I think doing this with every other
    internal road would be the best as it would distribute the junctions better
    (especially on the road that comes off the roundabout.
    I’ve explained that terribly… but I hope it makes sense haha.

  18. turtlelore 2 Says:

    2k+ likes and views have yet to catch up

  19. xisumavoid Says:
  20. Jyel Says:

    Your little road before the roundabout is useless, everyone is going there
    and not on the roundabout ! Are they stupid ? I think so :)

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