Archive for the ‘Tyken132’ Category
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 110 – Don’t Blink
I complete the melon.pumpkin research lab in the Botany wing and i think it turned out pretty great. Also updated the save file so feel free to check it out and leave suggestions. My texture pack Save File
Tags: 10, 11, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, lab, laboratory, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 26th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 109 – Mad Science!
In this episode I begin work on my secret lab again, this time starting with my Botany wing which focuses mainly on plant research and their respective farms. My texture pack
Tags: 10, 11, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, lab, laboratory, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 25th, 2012
Minecraft Adventures!: Episode 5 – DovaKin
The episode everyones been waiting for! Tyken vs the Ender dragon, head to head in an epic battle! My texture pack
Tags: 11, abandoned, adventure, adventures, crystal, diamonds, dragon, egg, enchanted, ender, enderdragon, endermen, exploration, exploring, explosion, fortress, fortune, journey, lava, mine, minecraft, monsters, pick, portal, redstone, shafts, world
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 24th, 2012
Channel Update: Livestream interview, contests, and updates!
Hey everyone, decided to do a vlog to update you all on whats happening lately. I’ve been really busy so its been hard to work on my lp series lately, since it takes a lot of time to plan and build. Next, I mention the possibilities of a new tyken t-shirt, as well as a design contest for one! as well as a fan-art contest and I ask for feedback on the matter. Lastly, I talk about a livestream interview that i’ll be doing so post your comments below and remember to post your questions below, too. Livestream Channel
Tags: art, channel), contest, fan, livestream, minecraft, shirt, update, vlog
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 23rd, 2012
Channel Update Vlog 3 – Recent news!
In this vlog I talk about varies things happening in my life and with my channel. Specifically, I talk about the possibility of joining up with Machinma, Updates on my mod, My new headset coming in, and lastly my trip to see my girlfriend.
Tags: channel), machinma, minecraft, news, recent, tyken132, update, vlog
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 23rd, 2012
Minecraft Minethon: Charity Fundraiser Recruitment
Details and Official Site I’m trynig to get as many other important people in the minecraft community together to help raise money for Child’s Play, A charity that gives video games and toys to sick children in hospitals all over the world. I hope to see you there!
Tags: bashur, bebopvox, charity, docm77, event, fund, minecraft, minethon, raiser, tyken132
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 22nd, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 89
In this episode I decide to take a break from building and start on a small adventure for resources as well as looking for a nearby npc village. Don’t forget to check out Minethon! My Blog My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 100, 19, abandoned, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, entrance, epic, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, invention, kitchen, letsplay, magma, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, storage, tavern, toilet, village, villager, well, wiring
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 22nd, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 90
In this episode I mostly continue to screw around with the NPC village and animals around it. Next episode I plan on building my epic base / house …thing. Enjoy it anyway and don’t forget to like it! My Blog/Forums My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 100, 19, abandoned, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, entrance, epic, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, invention, kitchen, letsplay, magma, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, storage, tavern, toilet, village, villager, well, wiring
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 22nd, 2012
Lets Play Skyrim: Episode 4 Do Ra Me FOS!
Continuation of my LP series, in this episode I finish running through the dungeon i’m in, learn my first shout, and kick some undead ass!
Tags: and, character, combat, creation, crypt, dragon, elder, fos, iron, iv, leveling, lock, magic, mining, ore, picking, rogue, scrolls, shout, skill, skyrim, smithing, sneaking, stealth, the, tips, tomb, tricks, tyken132
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 22nd, 2012
Minecraft Adventures!: Episode 4 – Witty Titles
I continue my exploration of my stronghold and the nearby caves and tunnels in search for materials and chests filled with goodies. I get turned around a bit but I ultimately find my way back. Next episode i’ll go 1v1 vs the mighty Ender dragon! stay tune.
Tags: 11, abandoned, adventure, adventures, diamonds, enchanted, ender, endermen, exploration, exploring, fortress, fortune, journey, lava, mine, minecraft, monsters, pick, portal, redstone, shafts, world
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 22nd, 2012