Automatic Cart Launching with Command Blocks

Automatic Cart Launching with Command BlocksFind more Minecraft Addict Videos at r/minecraftaddict:

Filed under Minecraftaddict : Comments (17) : Jan 27th, 2013

17 Responses to “Automatic Cart Launching with Command Blocks”

  1. BeenOrange Says:

    *Launching :P

  2. TheZeako Says:


  3. Dentarthurdent54 Says:

    Great idea! Too bad we can’t use it in Survival, though :(

  4. dizzy zane Says:

    No views? THAT’S A CREEPER!

  5. nowymail Says:

    Have fun using fast clocks in multiplayer :/

  6. jefff1397 Says:

    typo on intro… just a heads up.

  7. dizzy zane Says:

    That was a fancy way of saying “FIRST” lol…

  8. TehFancyChicken Says:

    Wow, I never would have thought of that.

  9. Emeralddreamnotgreen Says:

    Damn smart.

  10. ChazDoesMinecraft Says:

    you could ;). good idea

  11. YPadwa Says:

    Couldn’t you use the same command block pulse to place another cart on the rail?

  12. Minecraftaddict Says:

    Wouldn’t be the first time.

  13. Wurscht Semml Says:

    for me, fast clocks like this keep freezing at some point…

    i think for most applications it makes no difference if you have to wait a few ticks longer for the command block to react to a player.

  14. Drew Parrott Says:

    Awesome idea didn’t even think about using the command blocks for this

  15. DiaperMeXD Says:

    Hi, Could someone please make me a texture pack? I just got minecraft and was fascinated by it. If you could then could you make it an AB/DL one? Thank you!

  16. Scix Says:


  17. Malacsult Says:


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