Minecraft Ghostcraft (Multiplayer Arena / Team vs Ghost)

Minecraft Ghostcraft (Multiplayer Arena / Team vs Ghost)Discuss at punchwood.com! bit.ly Minecraft Ghostcraft a server-side mod inspired by The Hidden: Source, a popular mod. Nine players work in tandem together in an effort to avoid being killed by the Ghost, a mostly invisible and very powerful player. By inflicting damage to the Ghost, you can possibly become the Ghost! Ghostcraft website: www.ghostcraft.net WEB www.punchwood.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Get Minecraft here: minecraft.net

Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Nov 9th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft Ghostcraft (Multiplayer Arena / Team vs Ghost)”

  1. vosduncan Says:

    the piano is a time bom

  2. TheRealJHW204 Says:

    This is awesome, thanks Paul!

  3. OKingMinecraftO Says:

    how much did paul donate

  4. adam smith Says:

    What’s the IP

  5. matty987620 Says:

    @YourMexicanHero I know I wish he would make more regular minez let’s plays. They were awesome

  6. vinhao64 Says:

    It is not flying it is jumping realy high u hold in your hand and jump realy high

  7. msk000222 Says:

    psy gangnam style!!!thanks paul!! Paulsoaresjr style!!

  8. Robloxman441 Says:


  9. sirjako999 Says:

    I can smell you, while im creeping around right now…

  10. thedingoone58 Says:

    Does it come with a virus?

  11. nothad1958546 Says:

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  12. Thdndnndj Says:

    I’m surprised that the chat wasn’t being spammed by people saying “OMG it’s paulsoaresjr”

  13. tigresssharplesl Says:

    so basicly this is hidden source in minecraft… allright o.o

  14. Raysean Maulandra Says:

    i was bobber jim

  15. RandoMusick Says:

    The ip on 6:32

  16. Itsaysgullible ontheceiling Says:

    please do more aether

  17. hi8201 Says:


  18. John Nguyen Says:

    can you please finish your yog olympics

  19. eruptor118 Says:

    Are there eu servers or are there only American servers?

  20. crazy8744 Says:

    Lol can help u get better with the ghost ona private server

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