Monkeyfarm’s Seed Contest – Finalists

Monkeyfarm's Seed Contest - FinalistsMany of you have been asking if I chose a new seed yet, and it’s been tough narrowing down the great seed-contest submissions that all of you sent in. I’ve cut the list down to a handful of seeds. Here are a few of them. Let me know what you think! ————————————————————————————————– SUBSCRIBE to my Minecraft Channel: Follow me on Twitter (MCmonkeyfarm): ————————————————————————————————– TEXTURE PACK (Download): Customized John Smith: ————————————————————————————————– Intro created by AnimationCraftPG5: ————————————————————————————————–

Filed under monkeyfarm : Comments (20) : Nov 1st, 2012

20 Responses to “Monkeyfarm’s Seed Contest – Finalists”

  1. tomaatje1 Says:


  2. jonas coosemans Says:


  3. GaudyTutorials Says:

    what is the cordinates for the third world?

  4. ShadowHawk560 Says:

    There isn’t a temple in the jungle in the 3rd seed, I checked with Amidst

  5. DJ B-Cut Says:

    Seed 3 is a nice one.
    there is a jungle temple far far north-east, 3 desert temples (one with 3 diamants), 4 villages
    the seed is a really nice one, take it ;)

  6. Webbistcube241 Says:

    Best seed:RANDOM

  7. Luke Driscoll Says:

    anyone got the coordz? for the first seed? I can’t seem to find it anywhere close to the spawn to check it out :O

  8. dcorl21 Says:

    have to say 3rd seed, but if not go with 1st

  9. StabStabbies Says:

    Use seed 3 mate! :D

  10. Philippe Chevrette Says:

    do a server so some people can go in it

  11. rockkid323 Says:


  12. GameDeLaGame Says:

    @monkeyfarm The second seed is already known, here is the german video (i’m german):

  13. divafeverlolz Says:

    you whistle when you say ‘s’

  14. ltlbuddy1 Says:

    The 3rd seed is gorgeous. I lovveeeee

  15. Xeneon99 Says:

    Command blocks are out

  16. mrsupercookie123 Says:

    use the new command blocks to get to your new wrld and teleport there in the same map and you can teleport between your present base and your new one plz do it

  17. AWS137 Says:

    You missed the perfect opportunity to say “1st” and have people uncertain about your meaning.

  18. Youtheman1980 Says:

    Tough call, I am split between the first and the third seed but I am leaning more towards the third one because it has a lot near you chosen base area you talked about.

  19. civitor96 Says:

    take the 3 seed

  20. Jx2Posse Says:

    3rd seed is best i think, 1st is pretty cool too but i dont like winter bio that mutch.. :p

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