Minecraft Dual Survival | S4E6 | “Ravine FAIL!” (Ironman Style!)

Minecraft Dual Survival | S4E6 | Ironman co-op survival challenge with my son, JumboMuffin, on an amplified world! Our goal is to survive, visit every biome, and collect as many achievements…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 31st, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Dual Survival | S4E6 | “Ravine FAIL!” (Ironman Style!)”

  1. rbuckles123 Says:


  2. OmegaCrafter17 Says:

    Why are there no comments yet?

  3. paulsoaresjr Says:
  4. Jon R Says:

    How about a quartz boat, can only be made/used in the nether :)

  5. Isaiah Baruth Says:

    paul you should get xbox 360 minecraft

  6. ThePlyb Says:

    Tag team! bwwwwwr!

  7. Aquatic Warrior Says:

    666th like..o.O

  8. stevenrocksthehoused Says:

    Can you do more cubeworld

  9. SubtleViper, The Gaming-Vlogger Says:


  10. Ryan Deschamps Says:

    oops i meant bilbo

  11. Bella Boop Says:

    Hey Paul, can you do more Legend of Hoodie and Terraria with your other
    son? I’m not a very big fan of Starbound and I haven’t been getting to
    watch many videos from you:( You are my favorite youtuber Paul! -Bella

  12. Rebecca Geimer Says:

    love ya Paul

  13. Beautynmore18 Says:

    please do more of these they r my fav

  14. ivan martinez Says:

    Playback error?

  15. Genetix_ Says:


  16. xLuke_25x Says:

    Hai paul :3

  17. JoshDrink42 Says:

    252 comment !!

  18. Renegade5o Says:


  19. James Hoyle Says:

    Love your videos Paul, Keep it up!

  20. Ryan Deschamps Says:

    i respectfully disagree with jumbo i liked hobbit the desolation of smaug a
    lot even more then #1 (i wondered when bilbl named his sword)

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