Hermitcraft Ep.21 – Simple Cow Farm

Hermitcraft Ep.21 - Simple Cow FarmShortcuts below /// Finally making an effort to improve my diet with a cow farm. Also a pumpkin/melon farm and some improvements to the wheat farm. 0:00 Intro 0:55 3×3 creeper face 1:18 Graphics card upgrade – anyone have good advice? 1:55 Cow farm – problems with baby cows swimming 6:44 Cow farm v2 – using fence hight to protect the little ones 9:18 Figuring out the collection system 14:27 Collection system test 16:07 Getting some cows 18:01 Wheat farm improvements and test 22:48 Pumpkin or melon farm 24:30 Redstone for pistons in pumpkin/melon farm 26:18 More lighting and planting pumpkins/melons 28:14 Finishing up for the day and having a look ————————————— HermitCraft is hosted by www.cubedhost.org, fast and cheap minecraft servers! Use code “generikb” for ***20%*** off your order!!!! ————————————— HermitCraft Reddit www.reddit.com Server Members ————————————— Aureylian – www.youtube.com Biffa – www.youtube.com BDouble0 – www.youtube.com Coe – www.youtube.com Cubehamster – www.youtube.com Generikb – www.youtube.com Hypno – www.youtube.com iamsp00n – www.youtube.com Jessassin – www.youtube.com Joe Hills – www.youtube.com Juicetra – www.youtube.com Keralis – www.youtube.com KingDaddyDMAC – www.youtube.com Monkeyfarm – www.youtube.com Pungeunce – www.youtube.com red3yz – www.youtube.com Static – www.youtube.com Skyzm – www.youtube.com ThePixelNerds – youtube.com Topmass – www.youtube.com Unhost …

Filed under Red3yz : Comments (20) : Mar 12th, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft Ep.21 – Simple Cow Farm”

  1. RiskornGaming Says:

    The GTX670 is great!

  2. DragonFire2876 Says:

    gtx 660! i got it and its great try to get the allreddy overclocked verstion

  3. KillandMilproduction Says:

    could you uploads thoses videos as privated then tweet the link and who ever really wants to seem them will?

  4. ETCHY2016 Says:

    Amd Radeon 6950 is a cheap card & I get about 100-150

  5. masterxchiefette Says:

    These videos make me happy.

  6. Luocid L Says:

    yay new episode, you should make a new factory on the server haha that was the sickest thing ever, loved it

  7. Exspee Says:

    Great episode as usual, red!

  8. ETCHY2016 Says:

    gtx 675 get about 100-150 fps

  9. NibblerGames Says:

    Hey red3yz, I use the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 1GB and its really good, I get really good FPS on games using Ultra settings, Its good for the price.

  10. thechimasta Says:

    I’m pretty sure they’ve changed it so their hitbox is only 1 high now

  11. Kzxo500 Says:

    great ep red :)

  12. xXoverrageXx Says:

    I have a GTX 550. :( but a least it runs

  13. TheBraveWimp Says:

    Id look at the 660ti and the 670. Both are great!

  14. opulentcargo25 Says:

    he doesnt die as much a pyro from the mindcrack server

  15. TaintedTwisty Says:

    I think he just lives there.

  16. MrBadJuJu75 Says:

    R u French??? cause im not hearing that in ur accent

  17. Darth Maim Says:

    get a gtx660 or 670

  18. eucalyptux Says:

    The GT 650M card are flanged for laptops

  19. Radicaldanny Says:

    Minecraft animals can reproduce through Mitosis, only they still need 2 adults for some reason and only one of them can actually do it at the time… XD
    Why else do you think you need to feed them first? ^^

  20. AaronGamezInHD Says:

    get a 670 they can run any game u thorugh at it i just completed max pain on very high(high as it can go) and its very stable with games like bf3

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