Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 27: Bad Spaz

Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 27: Bad SpazMindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. Todays plan got derailed a bit when we got an unexpected visitor. FTB Mod Pack Info:

Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 23rd, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 27: Bad Spaz”

  1. Colby Bastow Says:

    that creeper sux

  2. Colby Bastow Says:

    yes u make sense :)

  3. Teodor Todorov Says:

    Etho, if something doesn’t work with the energy transport you can use tesseracts. There are 3 types: liquid, energy and item. Note that if you use tesseracts for energy you lose 20% of your energy. Hope I helped.

  4. BenguMinecraft Says:

    Etho, you can change the side which the energy loaders/unloaders transfer power through using a wrench or a crowbar.

  5. adamk123100 Says:

    What do you record with

  6. xxXXNat012XXxx Says:

    started crying at that explosion :'(
    Oh and BTW i am a new subscriber and i have watched all your episodes!
    Good work man!

  7. MrWybren Says:

    etho you should place soms three’s and flowers on your island’s, maybe a waterfall ?

  8. AndrewBeyblade Says:

    General Spaz shal not live . Oh Spaz exploded so he’s dead

  9. JusstyteN Says:

    Yah i hate creepers too

  10. BadKnightLv01 Says:

    Aww poor etho <3

  11. PCGeekProductions Says:

    click show comment to start an adventure!

  12. SuperHenningh Says:

    Username is still a username lildavey. the reason you cant is because a username is supposted to be something other people can call you when they are talking to you. By putting an object you own in it people will still say the username in this case “ethoslab” as a name rather than something else.

  13. aDutchMinecrafter Says:

    Creepers are the just the worst f-ing thing in the world

  14. acaindann Says:

    Its SPAZ from your old LP!
    He wasnt dead after all! That spaz……

  15. D4ntesword Says:

    6:30 I would have ragequit so bad lol

  16. KollinsPlays Says:

    Etho for the energy carts why not just stick to one type (LV/MV/HV) of cart for moving energy and then convert it as needed at the destination? You could use HV only for carts and loaders/unloaders and then transformers to go down as needed at the destinations.

  17. عبدالعزيز الحازمي Says:

    I dont understand put ilove whatch yor vidus

  18. pengu213456 Says:

    Thank mojang for adding the change to items on the ground staking, you couldve broken the server with that many entities

  19. Gil Saggioratto Says:

    I felt your pain in losing it all Etho …. I’m so sorry man!!!

  20. Marco Ng Says:


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