Hermitcraft 085 Snow Farming!

Hermitcraft 085 Snow Farming!bit.ly | Get notified of all my uploads This episode we find a bug with minecarts and portals and build a snow farm. —————————————————————————————————————- Hermitcraft Members ▏ www.reddit.com —————————————————————————————————————- Want to support my channel? ▏ Subscribe bit.ly ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me ▏ Livestream bit.ly ▏ Texturepack bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————- Music Artist: Jotun Song: Sailing Clouds Of Night Website: www.youtube.com Hermitcraft is hosted by cubedhost.org Use gift-code “generikb” for 20% discount on first purchase.

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Dec 16th, 2012

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft 085 Snow Farming!”

  1. edwardLongman Says:

    You should put the snow farm on your map in the nether!!

  2. Mirivali Says:

    An item from the slot that appears to have nothing, but have the saplings they will reappear.

  3. meme20002011 Says:

    @Rayram AureanBlue thank you I was wondering how to do this

  4. Mirivali Says:

    The sapling bug is, that the saplings appear in one slot of your inventory, but they are actually in an other slot. If you try to grab an itnm

  5. 1kuaq Says:

    Hey Xisuma, can’t you repair a diamond shovel with another diamond shovel? I’ve heard thats possible?

  6. Rayram AureanBlue Says:

    F3+h, they have to pressed at the same time.

  7. ThePC007 Says:

    Too good that in the latest snapshot minecarts can also go through nether portals.

  8. RandyOrtonRkoable Says:

    Try put some vines on the tree’s in the snow farm area. :-)

  9. something9025 Says:

    How Can i get the durabilitet

  10. iZZUnR4T3D Says:

    next update!

  11. zmaster498 Says:

    On the durability for the shovel that says 250 and you get 251 snow balls is because it counts 0 on the durability.

  12. LukeMcBrick Says:

    Xisuma! I had a nice idea for the Egg farm. You could make the egg farm in the shape of an egg plant?. It would be kinda funny having a physical pun on Avalon!

  13. raynerboy Says:

    Why does he have such a large sugar cane farm? Was it for books or what?

  14. edwardLongman Says:

    Use the tree sheep to give shaun a friend!!

  15. 1231subash Says:

    I tought that sheep was herobine xD

  16. stalingra11 Says:

    If you use haste from a beacon you will mine the snow faster

  17. NikiL263 Says:

    Xisuma. Can you make a tuturial on the snow farm?

  18. myvideo000 Says:

    Some suggestions:
    The gravel walkway is a great idea. If cou curve it a little bit, than it looks more natural. And that matches greats in a forest.
    Add some of the “Ethonian” glowing trees. Looks great during the night and reduces mob spawning.
    Add some more huge trees to make the forest dense and natural.

  19. YayForSlime Says:

    14:00 But the shovel actually says durability: ???/251

  20. NIROtruiq Says:

    how do you download your texture pack it just goes to fileswap an doesnt ?

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