Channel Update: With Love

Channel Update: With LoveHey guys! Didn’t get a chance to do a video Friday but to make up for it I did something special for this channel update, enjoy! Here’s a link to TheKindKittens Channel:

Filed under Tyken132 : Comments (20) : Dec 10th, 2012

20 Responses to “Channel Update: With Love”

  1. joey dekker Says:

    is that realy your girlfriend?

  2. daanio100 Says:

    Why is everyone hating, does it care that they are “fat”

  3. jose13perez1 Says:

    no shes not dude open your eyes

  4. 99Psyc Says:

    Freaking obese.. Lose some weight guys.. Exercise or something.. We have enough goddamn obese in America.

  5. vertical3life Says:

    None of my business but you are all so fat, even cat.

  6. Mcboy2000 Minecraft Says:

    50k Tyken! ;-)

  7. TheKindKitten Says:

    Thank you very much for the shoutout Tyken! ((HUG)) :3x

  8. 28broskee Says:

    At least tyken is getting pussy, the only pussy you guys get is your cat, fagggggggsssss

  9. MeLordBenji33 Says:

    Your roommate seems a nice guy.

  10. MrLegoboy531 Says:

    Cant wait for

  11. Gumiriku Says:

    Did you know that 68.8% of the people in America are obese/fat. Just giving a straight fact , something/someone else isn’t straight. 

  12. wannamess118128138 Says:

    who are you talking to?

  13. Sophie Turner Says:

    Katherine looks exactly like I imagined her c:

  14. MrSpecial0ps Says:


  15. XboxGamerCrew3000 Says:

    hey thts rude 1 cos i dnt have a cat 2 the only pussy u will ever get is the one u came out of so if ur gunna complain and then fuck off

  16. poopmonster826 Says:

    Holly shit

  17. scootob Says:

    When i was in Middle School 6th grade to be exact My friends got me into scootering and We were going to make videos the scoot stands for scooters and OB is our towns letter O** B*****

  18. joe firmager Says:


  19. MrLegoboy531 Says:

    the ip

  20. BlackopsGod0 Says:

    @28broskee Fuck you dick my cat is 4500 miles away from me so.. FUUCK YUUUUUOOOOOO

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